Stairway to heaven by JeromeObiols

Please view on black. This is the milky way above the Mont-Blanc and its glaciers. It's a very special picture for me since I dreamed of of since since 3 years when I discovered this point of view with this cruved glacier below Mont-Blanc. 5h of hiking/climbing and 1000m denivelation were necessary to get there. I almost didn't sleep at all on the evening and got up at 0:30 am for shooting. Hopefully the weather was with me with a beautiful starry night and just some clouds on the Mont-Blanc. I will remember that night for a long time. Technically speaking, this is a composite of 6 frames. 2 identical frames with 2 different exposures (40s for the ground and 13s for teh sky) were blended together and the resulting image was stitched with 5 other frames exposed at 13s to get the vertical panorama. Feel free to join my facebook page if you want to follow my work: via 500px

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