Hi everyone ,this is a shot of Henningsvær which is a fishing village located on several small islands off the southern coast of Austvågøya in the Lofoten archipelago an hour before the end of the day via 500px http://ift.tt/1ysgCAW
Summer 2014 Dolomites, Italy Intense morning sun on fresh grass in front of the famous face of Paternkofel. http://ift.tt/10RTJF1 Follow me on: FacebookGoogle+ via 500px http://ift.tt/1ysfcqh
Read my latest Interview on My Modern Met -> MY MODERN MET My Biography "Reframed The Jake Olson Story" is now available for pre order on Amazon -> Reframed BUY IT NOW AT THE SPECIAL RELEASE PRICE! CURRENTLY BOOKING FOUR HOUR, ONE ON ONE ONLINE EDITING TUTORIALS FOR FEBRUARY VIA "GO TO MEETING!" PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR AVAILABLE DATES AND BOOKING INSTRUCTIONS AT JAKEOLSONSTUDIOS@GMAIL.COM Follow me on Facebook by clicking here -> Facebook Page or paste http://ift.tt/1hUxGYf in your browser! via 500px http://ift.tt/11H1uEm
Please click on picture to see it with black background! Norway, Lofoten, Nordland, Moskenes, Hamnøy - October 2014 http://ift.tt/18XYG1r via 500px http://ift.tt/1ys4jVg
Firstly, I started a Facebook Page so if you wanna follow me there, click here and click like.. The photo belongs to one of my fav and usual spots in Lofoten Islands, Norway. It is called Hamnøya and it's right after you pass Reine to Svolvær direction. It always amazes me that everytime I was here, I had a different weather and photographical condition than other times. This time the shot was taken in November so the time gap between sunrise and sunset almost doesnt exist, so you got this color of sky for quite a long time to get some photos. Please share your thoughts and vote if you like. via 500px http://ift.tt/1ys2ojA
Join me on My Facebook Page And Follow My Instagram Personal Skype Retouch & Color Grading Sessions. Персональное обучение ретуши и обработке по Скайпу. via 500px http://ift.tt/1yrIO75
On a cold winter day in Austria the sky full of dynamic drama looked mythic to me. The combination with the awesome sunset colors made this view unique, wonderful and visually pleasing for me. via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91262985
Mesa Arch at Canyonlands National Park, just before sunrise. A few stars are still visible just above the arch as the sun prepares for its daily presentation. Thank you all for 1.5 Million views!!!!! via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91209187
“The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars.” Carl Sagan Facebook: JorgeMaia.Photographer Prints: JorgeMaia.Photographer via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91252271
Baffin Island is beautiful not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Here is one such example. I found these unique ice formations inside one of the tunnels on Turner Glacier. The tunnel was mostly covered with snow having only a tiny opening to the outside. Naturally this made me curious and almost immediately I decided to explore it. When I crawled into the tunnel I was surprised by this what I saw. It was a system of ice caves connected with crevasses. I was able to explore it for about 1 km up to the point when I wasn’t able to squeeze through it anymore. To give a better perspective of scale I’d like to point out that the longest needles on the icicles were about 3 inches long. via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91221471
Likely the last of the Zion stuff for some time. This is another image from the subway area of the park. This is the scene that one would see directly behind the famous tunnel for which the location is famous for. I might even like this view more than the glowing walls for its colors, shapes, and patterns. It is another reason I want to return to this spot in the future. via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91230025
When I went to this castle I have expected there will be light in the night and it will be there in a bright shine. Was bit sad there was no light, but when I saw the result on the computer I was happy about it Best to watch it on black via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91223149
My take on the Dolomites. What an amazing area!! I spent a week hiking around and staying in awesome huts. It was an amazing low key trip with great food and people every few hours. They do it right in Italy! None of this camping in tents and eating from a can that I am used to:) via 500px http://500px.com/photo/91239429