Somniloquy III by miketaylorphoto

Before & After on our FB page: This image is a blend of 8 photographs. The sky is a 2 shot vertical panorama that was photographed at Pemaquid Harbor, Maine. The foreground is a 6 shot horizontal panorama that was photographed on the rocky coastline in Milbridge, Maine. Each of these panoramas was stitched via PTGui and processed separately via Lightroom and Photoshop – more processing details below. Somniloquy is the term that describes the act of talking while asleep. This is the third image in our “Somniloquy” series which are all composites of different exposure blends. Sky EXIF data: Nikon D600 & 14-24mm @ 14mm f/2.8 - 2 x 30 secs - ISO 4000 Foreground EXIF data: Nikon D600 & 14-24mm @ 24mm f/8 - 6 x 1/200 sec - ISO 400 Independent processing of each panorama: Imported the RAW files into Lightroom and adjusted color balance, highlights & shadows, white & black levels, added selective clarity and sharpening, noise reduction, lens & chromatic aberration corrections. Exported those files as TIFs into PTGui for stitching. After stitching was complete, imported the panoramas as TIFs into Photoshop for some selective masking, contrast, opacity & luminosity blending, Soft Light layer blending for the sky and Topaz Clarity plug-in to retrieve some details in the foreground image. The foreground was cropped and given a vignette. After each of the panos was finished I created a contrast mask of the foreground to combine the 2 panos together seamlessly as layers in Photoshop. The sky needed some transforming to make it fit and I added a heavy curves layer to the foreground to make it appear as though it had been shot at dusk or night. A few other minor tweaks to the image as a whole and it was finished. © Mike Taylor | Taylor Photography Taylor Photography – Workshops - Prints - Presentations via 500px

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